Thursday, July 16, 2009

December Part 1

So I am now starting to post pictures from December 2008. This is sad that I am this far behind... In my next couple of posts be prepared for some Christmas in July!

Blackfoot had a downtown get-to-know-you for businesses. My family and my mom and dad went for the walk and met all of the businesses in the area. It was a lot of fun!

Grandpa and Gavyn

Cayden, Nana, and Daddy

Bryce being happy as usual.

At the beginning of the walk we got to see Santa and the Wolf???

Gavyn, Cayden, Mr. Wolf, and Bryce

Here they are with Santa

....and with Mr. Wolf

The one sad thing about Christmas this year was that Cayden figured out who santa was. I don't know how old kids usually figure this out now-a-days, but I was hoping to have a couple of more years with him believing. Smart kid!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Blake hasn't said anything about Santa and I think we've thought about how to handle it. Telling him tht when he stops believiing then Santa won't come anymore. THen he won't tell the other boys.