Monday, September 7, 2009

Shoshone Falls

In May of this year we went with my parents and my sister's family to Shoshone Falls. The water level was high and it made it even more amazing. The kids had a blast. We looked at the falls, walked the trails, and had a picnic.

I loved this sign coming into the park. Apparently, they need to let us know not only when they are opened, but what time they are closed.

These cousins just love each other so much.

Here's Rachael giving herself bunny ears. She cracks me up!

We told them they had to hold hands and so this is how they walked around.

Here is a picture of our group.

Andrew, Cayden, and Cameron climbed up this steep hill to get a picture in the cave.

Then, Cayden begged me to climb up with him.

Here is our view point from the cave looking down. It was really steep!

Overall, the falls were beautiful, the company was awesome, and we all had a great time. We can't wait to go back again next year.


Emily said...

You know, all the years I lived in Idaho, I don't think I ever went here once.

It looks beautiful.

This looks like so much fun - all those memories with the cousins. There is no better time than that!

Katie said...

That looks like a great place to go, we'll have to get our family there someday. Love all the pictures.